5 Amazing Fitness YouTube Channels that you NEED to check out!


In the wide and wonderful world of YouTube fitness, there are a lot of channels! some are great, some are good and some are, well, meh! Well, today we are going over our 5 Fitness YouTube channels you need to check out!

Fortunately, we have narrowed down 5 Fitness YouTube channels we think you will all like. All about fitness, however, 5 very different channels. Some are humorous, some are rant and reaction and some are educational and informative. So we are going to go through each one and explain why we like them and why you should check them out. 


We will start with Shredded Sports Science. This Fitness YouTube channels is both entertaining, Funny and very informative. Breaking fitness and workout myths and giving a full explanation in the meantime. He also gives very detailed videos about fitness-related questions. For example, his video series on how to build muscle is incredible and a must for everyone. 

As we said he is also very funny! Going through Instagram and Fitness YouTube channels tearing it apart and debunking all the scams, Mis-information and so on. Good for beginners in helping them avoid getting caught up in the wrong ideas.

Highly recommend checking out his channel as, as we said, it is both funny and informative.

YouTube Channel


This channel is straight-up honesty. Tearing through YouTube and Instagram fitness and calling them all out in their lies. There is no discussion, Alan is brutal! Going in hard! He channel does contain strong language but it also funny and again informative.

He deals a lot in the obese and morbidly obese and also on the YouTube fitness celebrities. His video about US Biggest Loser (featuring Steve Cook) is a great place to start. 

Behind the Anger, Rants and aggression there is a lot of well informed and useful information. Some of which I have even picked up and started implementing. You will find yourself learning a lot watching this channel. He also has plans and coaching available is you are interested in.

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Another Fitness YouTube channel who is destroying the fitness influencers! Simon is both hilarious and informative. He is just your normal guy who likes the gym and likes to workout but is also switched on in the fitness game. 

He makes interesting videos that can be very different from normal YouTube fitness. One of my favourites is “things you get good at going to the gym”. Which is all about skills and things you subconsciously pick up going to the gym. Very entertaining and informative. 

Check out his YouTube channel he has a huge range of videos, it makes for great entertainment!

Youtube Channel


This Fitness YouTube channels shot to fame when Phil, a student, start making YouTube videos from his bedroom destroying the online fitness community. Going in hard to what seemed like every brand and supplement company. 

He is well known for a series called fitness flop where he looks at a fitness influencers content and critics it. He also has a series of videos where he looks into fitness influencers and explains if he thinks they are Natural or fake Natural (Fake Natty). 

Since starting his channel he has now expanded his channel to the rest of social media going after all kinds of influencers and social stars. Makes for really entertaining video and you will find yourself laughing and 90% of the time agreeing!

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Jeff, from Athlean X, has dominated the YouTube fitness scene for a while now. His knowledge and personality make him very interesting to watch. Athlean X is an education channel. Giving walkthrough and advice on how to workout. He has thousands of videos breakdown many movements and exercises.

If you are new to working out this channel is well worth a look! Great way to learn the basics, and if you are an “expert” at the gym, I am sure that you will find something useful in this Fitness YouTube channels!

Now, I have to mention it. There has been a bit of controversy surrounding this channel as he was caught using fake weights in a video. Now, on the one side, this is lying and making himself look better but on the other, he still knows his stuff and fake weights or not he is a great “coach” and teacher.

YouTube Channel


So as you can see, many Fitness YouTube channels are worth a watch. Writing this article we thought of even more, so we might have to do a part 2. With 5 more channels to watch. Are there any channels that you watch? Let us know over on our Instagram and we will check them out! They might even make the next list!

Youtube is a wonderful place, full of free and educational content, however, there is also a lot of rubbish, lies and scams out there. Maybe that is another article we need to do! 5 Channels not to watch!

As always, any questions please let us know on our Instagram or via email. 


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Written by Kieran Blacker

Kieran is the CEO and Founder of Sets & Reps. He decided to make an application that helped people get a gym workout when not at the gym. He designed, Coded and built the application himself.
