Amazing Fitness Instagram accounts you should be following!


Instagram is a big place, loads of accounts (including our own here), All covering different hobbies and areas. There is also a lot of Instagram accounts all about fitness and working out. However some are ok, some are good and some are amazing. Well, today we are going to go over some of the amazing fitness Instagram accounts that you need to follow. We have accounts that cover all areas of fitness, from workouts to recipes and also just general fitness and workout advice. 

There will be something in this article for everyone! You might even find yourself already following some of these accounts! So why don’t we kick straight into our first amazing fitness Instagram account! A recipe account!


We are going to kick off with our first amazing fitness account. You can find him on Instagram under the tag @Counting_Zacros. This is a recipe account. a bloody good one as well. Zac makes healthy/low-calorie alternatives to some of your favourites foods and treats. Are you a brownie lover? Well, he has loads of different brownie recipes. Maybe you are a cookie lover? Well, you will find plenty of cookie recipes. No matter what you desire is, I am confident that he would have created an easy to follow recipe.

He states all the ingredients, recipe and macros and calories in each post. So it is easy to shop, bake and track each one. I have tried a few of his brownie recipes, His protein rice Krispy bars and a few of his doughnut recipes. The most annoying thing about this account is knowing which recipes to try, and not eating the whole batch at once (very much guilty of that).



This is an account that I have followed for a long, long time. In fact, I would say this is the account that got me into Macros and tracking my food. Nick is a very knowledgable online coach and gym owner in Australia (I hope to visit his gym one day!). He posts various post about fitness, working out and diet. A kind of all-round account. His account was the first account I followed which broke the mould for me. Teaching me about flexible dieting, training and setting realistic goals (something I feel everyone struggles with).

Some posts and insane workouts, others are diet advice, and some are just photos of the doughnuts he might have eaten that day. His account (@nickcheadle_) is well worth following as he is also very active in his stories. Posting different content and various workouts.



Jack Gadd - Photo ready

This account is a must! If you aren’t following Jack’s account you need to go over and follow it now (after reading this post of course). He is an online coach, that is helping everyday guys get into amazing shape, some even stage-ready. He is very informative and gives out really helpful and useful information. Helping everyone on training, dieting and fitness in general.

If you want to get to know his story a bit more, we sat down and had a chat with him! Which you can read here. It was a great chat and was very informative! We spoke about everything from Lockdown’s to Fitness in social media and also steroid and PED use in various sports.



After some savage workouts? Some savage home workouts? Well, this amazing fitness Instagram account is one to follow, The dad WOD post amazing WOD’s. Some include equipment some don’t. Due to the lockdown, he has posted a lot of bodyweight workouts. Some of which I have even tried. 

If you are after a quick and fun workout give his page ago! He has some amazing workouts available. They are very “CrossFitty” workouts so if you have never tried CrossFit before there might be some new movements. However, he posted videos to go along with the workout so you can quickly pick up the workouts.



70/30 Fitness: Shredded

If you are after an account for bodybuilding and a true insight into what bodybuilding is like. Then look no further than 70/30 Fitness. A young online coach who is also a competitive bodybuilder. He is documenting what it is like to compete and what he has to go through. A great account to follow. His Instagram stories are very entertaining! He posts about meals, workouts and general fitness information.

Do you want some more good news? We have an interview with him! We sat down and had a chat with Simon. Which you can read over here! It is a great interview and well worth the read. Loads of insight into life as a competing bodybuilder. Make sure you are following this Amazing Fitness Instagram account and also check out the interview!



So there you go, a list of some amazing fitness Instagram accounts that you need to follow. Are there any that we have missed? Let us know over on our contact page. We would love to hear all the accounts that you love on Instagram. Any Amazing Fitness Instagram accounts that we have left out?

Remember if you are after some amazing workouts and helpful features then download our free application! The Sets & Reps workout application contain loads of workouts, loads of features and also access to everything we have to offer. You can download it here or click the icon below!

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Written by Kieran Blacker

Kieran is the CEO and Founder of Sets & Reps. He decided to make an application that helped people get a gym workout when not at the gym. He designed, Coded and built the application himself.
