Can Home Workouts get you RIPPED – Let’s talk about that!


We get a lot of questions sent to us (You can send your questions over on our Advice page), If we find we get the questions asked a lot then we will make it into a post, This question is one of them! We get asked a lot “Can Home workouts get you ripped?” Or “Will I be able to get into shape using home workouts?” Or even “How effective are home workouts?” Obviously, the answer is yes. However we thought we would put together a short article about it, and why some people might get confused. Even how you can improve your workouts and some things that you need to think about alongside your home workouts. So, can home workouts get you ripped? Let us dive right into it.


I think we first have to define “ripped”. What do people mean when they say “Can Home Workouts get you Ripped?” I think when they say ripped most people will mean to be in good shape and most likely have some ab definition (Aiming for a six-pack). So can you do this from home? Absolutely!

We do have to mention that abs don’t mean healthy. Abs don’t mean you are strong or fit. Abs just mean your body fat percentage is low enough for them to show through. You aren’t going to get to that situation with workouts alone. You will also need to look at your diet and nutrition.


I think before we even touch on the workouts and home workouts. We need to talk about nutrition and diet. To reach the level where you look defined and abs start to show, you will need to lose weight, more specific, you will need to lose body fat. 

For this, you will need to be in a calorie deficit. This is simple enough to do, you can download our free application here and work out your daily calorie target and go from there. Adding workouts on top of your diet will not only put you in more of a deficit, which in turn will either make you lose weight more quickly or allow you to eat more but also allow you to maintain muscle mass at the same time. 


We also have to talk about the various types of workouts you can do at home. The first one being bodyweight home workouts. These are workout mainly circuit or Tabata style workouts which can be performed without any equipment. These are great for beginners and people who don’t have any equipment on hand. The negative is that they can be hard to progress. You can’t increase the weight, so you either have to increase the reps or time, or even lower the rest period. 

The next workout type is those who have minimal equipment, they might have a barbell or a pair of dumbbells. This will allow you to perform a different range of exercises and also create more muscle stimulus due to the added weight. Again, might be hard to progress certain exercises if you only have one weight. During the lockdown in the UK, I was doing these kinds of workouts at home (I was testing our membership area workouts) and got into great shape and became a lot fitter. 

The last category is a full home gym/good amount of equipment. We aren’t on about a multi-million pound set up but we mean you have various weights, plates and maybe a few machines. This will allow you to progress several movements and keep pushing. 


The most important thing to remember about any form of exercise is that you remain consistent. People will work out for a week or 2 weeks, not see any results and just give up. You need to remain consistent with both your Diet and Working out. Can home workouts get ripped? Of course, it can! However, it won’t be instant and doing a few pushups every other day won’t do it. You need to have good workouts and be on point with your diet. Remember when we say consistent, we don’t mean that you need to be rigid and robotic. You still have flexibility, think of it in a way that you want to be consistent over a week, So hitting your calories 6 out of the 7 days will be fine. We are all human!

Working out 3 times a week, and eating right consistently will give you great results! You don’t need to work out every day and eat chicken and rice every meal. Add to this hitting your steps (Again, aim for a weekly step goal of something like 70,000 instead of 10,000) you will see some amazing results.


So can home workouts get you ripped? It all depends on your definition of ripped, but yes you can, with the right workouts and the correct diets. It all comes down to being in a calorie deficit and dropping body fat. We don’t advise that you 1. Diet for too long, and 2. You don’t diet down to a really low body fat percentage.

If you are after some amazing workouts that you can perform at home or the gym then check out our Workout Application. If you want to become a member you will gain access to hundreds of workouts! Top-quality workouts! Click here to download the application for free now.

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Written by Kieran Blacker

Kieran is the CEO and Founder of Sets & Reps. He decided to make an application that helped people get a gym workout when not at the gym. He designed, Coded and built the application himself.
