Sets & Reps

The Fitness Application

Sets & Reps

The Fitness Application

Sets & Reps

The Fitness Application


What is Sets & Reps about? When we started Sets & Reps we had a very, very clear goal. In the years that the app and website have bene going we may have expanded and added to that goal, but we have still kept the original goal. What is that goal? Read on for more information.

About our Goals, Plans & Future

As already said when we started Sets & Reps, as a fitness application and a fitness website we had a very simple goal, we then created a very simple plan to pull it off, and also created a very simple future plan. Let’s go through each of them.

The Goal

At the start the goal was, Simple yet effective workouts that are easy to access by everyone wherever they were

The plan

A simple app that allowed people free access to amazing and simple yet effective workouts, That could be done anywhere.

The Future

To spread that goal further, using workout classes, Camps, Videos, more article on the blog and much much more.


Sets & Reps was created because the founder (Kieran Blacker) found that finding a workout application that had simple yet effective workouts and Helpful tools all in one place while being easy to use and simple in design was non-existence. So he teamed up with a few Fitness friends and PT’s and set out to create the ultimate workout application. An application you can use at home, in the office in the gym or anywhere you want to. 

This application has since grown but all the while maintained the same goal, to simplify working out for everyone, everywhere, but we have much bigger plans for it.

7030 posing grey top
Women stretching with yoga


The plan with Sets & Reps was to create a Workout application that can be used in either the Gym or at home. We wanted to create a simple and easy two use app, filled with a variety of workouts suitable for everyone. Some involve weights, some don’t, some are are a short format and some are a long format. 

With so many workouts we needed to separate them into what we call “packs”. These packs group together the workouts into packs, for example, we have a kettlebell pack, a Tabata pack and many more. Each pack is named so you know what workouts it contains. Helping to create an easy to navigate the application.


What does the future hold for Sets & Reps? Well, we will continue to grow the app, Make it better, faster and easier to use. We will continue to improve and add workouts to it. More Packs leading to an even bigger variety of workouts. We also plan to hold Exercises classes all over the country so fan and user s of the app can get together and join in a big workout.

Also, we have the Sets & Reps Blog. We will continue to post regular articles about everything fitness, Nutrition or working out. We are working hard to get some guest writers, some interviews and some overall enjoyable and valuable content that you will all love.

Women Doing Battle Ropes - Cardio ideas