Can you target Fat loss?

Women Stretching out

This will be a fairly short blog post, but we get this question a lot in our advice inbox, Can you Target Fat loss? The simple answer is No! There is no such thing as target Fat loss or Targeted Weight loss. Your body will always remove fat evenly over your body at once. 

Is Targeted Weight Loss Possible?

You see a lot of posts on Instagram like “Exercises for a flat stomach” or “these exercises will target fat loss in this area”. Well, hate to say it but these posts are rubbish. As we said above, losing weight happens from all over your body, evenly at once. It is impossible to target fat loss. A certain exercise or certain food will not make you lose fat in a certain area quicker.

Fat loss happens when you are in a calorie deficit, not when you do certain exercises. I have even seen coaches sell plans with the promise of targeted weight loss. Selling plans that promise targeted weight loss? Are you kidding me? Talk about giving out false hope. There isn’t a diet on earth that will make you lose weight from your stomach, or only lose weight from your arms. So don’t be fooled by these targeted weight loss plans. Fat loss happens over many weeks, with a good diet and plenty of exercises. You can’t choose which areas to lose fat from.

Can you target Fat loss

Keep in mind, If you are looking to increase fat loss, slim down, get fitter or even bulk up then check out our free Calorie & macro calculator. You can calculate your exact daily caloric needs. A sure-fire way to lose fat, it may not but targeted weight loss in certain areas, but it will be a guaranteed way. Download the app here for free.

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Written by Kieran Blacker

Kieran is the CEO and Founder of Sets & Reps. He decided to make an application that helped people get a gym workout when not at the gym. He designed, Coded and built the application himself.
