EMOM Workouts – The What? The Why and The How?


EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) workouts are some of the best workouts available. They are massively popular with the CrossFit community, but can easily be adapted to any workout. They are very simple, and star toff easy, but end up being challenging and pushing you to the limit, so, as we said the perfect workout! Let us start with a breakdown of what they are.

What are they?

EMOM workouts usually contain around 2-4 exercises and require low to medium reps. Say 6-12 Reps (this will depend on the exercise). You perform the first exercise at the start of minute one, complete it as fast as you can, Once completed, you then have the rest of the minute to recover. You then start the second exercises at the start of the second minute, once completed you get the rest of the minute rest. This continues for how many exercises you got planned.

Once you have completed the last exercise you rest for the remainder of that minute and then start again from exercises one and repeat. This continues for the chosen time. For example, if you might have a workout like this.

15 Minute EMOM

  • Burpees X10
  • Press up X10
  • Jumping Squats X10

So on the first minute you do 10 burpees, then rest for the remainder of the minute, on the start of the second minute you do 10 press up’s, and on the third minute do 10 jumping squats. The repeat until the time hits 15 minutes (If you work it out it will be 5 rounds)

They are very popular with the Crossfit Community when reading about EMOM workouts, it will be related to CrossFit, however, that doesn’t mean you have to partake in CrossFit to give them a go! So why would you try EMOM Workouts?

Why Would you?

EMOM workouts are great for many reasons. The first main one is simplicity. You only need 2-4 exercises, and, exercise dependent, you won’t need very much equipment, which also means you require little space, great for busy gyms. Another reason they are so quick, yet effective. This is good if you are after a short but powerful workout. They will raise your heart rate, increase your stamina and also help build muscle. All good things!

You don’t just have to do them as their own workouts. You can throw them in your normal workout as well. For example, say you are doing Back day, you could do a back based EMOM workout, lower the time and it will be perfect. Might look something like this.

10 Minute EMOM

  • X6 Deadlifts
  • X6 Pull-Ups 

As you can see, it can a great bonus to your standard workout. A great way to spice up your workouts and keep them fresh and exciting. While also having a huge benefit and helping you reach your goals.

How do I make them?

So you might be asking yourself how you go about creating a good EMOM workout? While lucky for you we have done all the work for you. We have created an EMOM generator, with a simple click of a button you will be able to generate yourself an amazing EMOM workout, Don’t like the Workout generated? Just click the button again and generate a fresh new EMOM Workout! Easy as that!

There are a few big differences between us and those other EMOM generators. The first one is that our is completely free! Everything about the EMOM generator is free! Are to use, you can screenshot the EMOM for later use If you want to. Always has been free, always will be free.

The second amazing feature is that is always being updated, We are adding new exercises all the time. Every few weeks will add some exercises to the generator which will allow you to generate even more workouts. You don’t even have to update your app to get these new exercises.

We are currently developing the EMOM generator to make it even easier and better to use, redoing the labels, adding a random time into it. We are sure that after the update gets released this will be the best EMOM generator on the market and free for everyone to use and enjoy!


So if you are after a quick, high-intensity workout. One that doesn’t require much equipment or much space, then you should check out EMOM workouts. Make sure you check out the Sets & Reps app for a free EMOM generator! Plus a load of other free features, workouts and tools! If you want to try our free EMOM generator, you can download our free app here. Get started straight away! We also post regular workouts on our Instagram here

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Written by Kieran Blacker

Kieran is the CEO and Founder of Sets & Reps. He decided to make an application that helped people get a gym workout when not at the gym. He designed, Coded and built the application himself.
