Kettlebell Workouts – Are they the perfect home workout alternative to the gym?


Kettlebell workouts are very popular and for a very good reason! They are effective, easy to track your progress, easy to add weight or volume but most importantly they are amazing to do at home. Just purchase a cheap set of Kettlebells and you are away. So easy to track progress and move up. Such a versatile piece of equipment, everyone should own a set of kettlebells, or at least 1.

Remember to check out our other blog posts here.

Where to Buy

Let us start simple, Where can you acquire Kettlebells from? The simple answer? Pretty much anywhere! If you are looking for brand new kettlebells, then your best bet is Online or local gyms. Websites like Amazon or your local gym or a “Shop that sells everything”. In the UK there are shops like John Lewis, Leakes, Lidl and Aldi.

Another place that you can pick up Kettlebells, and what we would suggest, is a second-hand website and social market place. Buying Second-hand kettlebell will save you a ton of money and you will still be able to pick up high-quality products for half price, or even more. The downside of this is that you may get kettlebells with a few scuffs or scraps, but for the price that you can pick them up for it will all be worth it.

The last place that we recommend you have a look, is local gyms. You might be able to pick up some high-quality equipment for a really low price. If the gym is replacing equipment, having a makeover or even closing or moving, they may need to get rid of some equipment so you can pick up some stuff for great deals. Just go in and speak to the manager and see if they have anything available.

What Kind of Workouts

Next thing is what kind of workouts can you do with Kettlebells, the answer? Is any of them! They are great for cardio or HIIT workouts, utilising exercises like Kettlebell swings or Thruster you can get the heart rate up, and shred the fat. However, due to them being weighted, you can also use them in a “Bodybuilding” way. Use them to build muscle and strength. As you can see whatever your goals are you will be able to utilise a kettlebells workout.

Your favourite workout type can be performed with kettlebells. It could be Tabata, HIIT or even cardio and circuit workouts, Most exercises can incorporate a kettlebell. So get creative and add a kettlebell into your workout. Another great thing about Kettlebells is that you can perform the exercises with either one or two kettlebells, So if you only have one available you can still perform 90% of exercises.

If you are after any ideas for kettlebell workouts make sure you download our free application here. There is an entire workout pack dedicated to kettlebell workouts as well as other workout packs that utilise kettlebells. Download the application now for free. All of which can be performed at home or at the gym.

Things to remember

When using Kettlebells there are a few things that you need to remember, Some of these are vital, some are optional. The first one is to always priorities form overweight! Always! Doing lower weight but the correct form will improve your progress over just trying to lift as heavy as possible. Focus on form and the weight will follow, and it will follow rather quickly. 

The second point is that 2 is always better than 1, by this, we mean how many kettlebells you buy. As said earlier if you can only get one, you can still perform so many workouts and exercises, but if you have two you can perform a few more movements. You could even buy two kettlebells, but get them at different weights, this will give you a range of weights to use, you won’t be able to curl what you can bench. So having some lighter weights on hand is always a good move.

The last point is to remember to have a plan. If working out from home, we highly recommend that you go into every workout with a plan on what you are going to do. If you need help planning workouts, Check out the Sets & Reps application where you can use the “Build me a workout” section to create your own workout. Having a plan means you will be able to move more effectively and quickly.


As you can see, there are so many reasons to purchase a pair of kettlebells, It will not only take your workouts to the next level but take your home workouts up several levels. So many exercises, so many workouts and so much variety from a pair of kettlebells. Head over to eBay now and check out some second-hand kettlebells, it will change your workouts for good! Share your workout videos with us over on our Instagram.

Now, remember, if you want to get started with kettlebell workouts at home then you can download our Free workout Application. On the app, you will find loads of high quality and effective workouts, Including Kettlebell workouts! We have an entire workout pack just for kettlebell workouts as well as many other packs that contain kettlebells. Free to download and free to use. Click here to download it now. We highly recommend trying the EMOM generator (We have a blog explains what these are here) and getting a quick, effective and challenging workout, most of which include Kettlebells.

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Written by Kieran Blacker

Kieran is the CEO and Founder of Sets & Reps. He decided to make an application that helped people get a gym workout when not at the gym. He designed, Coded and built the application himself.
