Home Cardio Workouts Ideas – Get your Daily Cardio in from Home!


In this article, we are going to go over some home Home Cardio Workouts ideas. If you find yourself needing to do cardio while at home then hopefully some of these ideas will help you. We are going to be covering a few ideas. Some of which are going to requires some equipment and some won’t. So there is a going to be a wide range of exercises.

If there is any Home Cardio Workouts you do that we haven’t mentioned, please let us know over on our Instagram here. If we get enough messages through we will do a part 2. Head over now and let us know. However, let us crack on with these ideas.


This is the standard in cardio at home. The Burpee. So simple, yet universally hated by everyone, and for good reason. Burpee’s are challenging, and never seem to get easier. With the many varieties that there are (More on that here), they will present you with an everlasting challenge. 

Burpees also require very little space and can be done in almost any room in the house. Making them perfect for home workouts or days when the weather isn’t allowing you outside. They are also a great exercise for using in a superset. Performing a strength exercise then super setting with a burpee will get your heart rate up and those calories burning (Check out this Workout for an example of this).


This is one of my favourite Home Cardio Workouts. It is crazy simple yet unbelievably effective. Skipping (Or jump rope) is a simple concept that can be expanded on greatly. A lot of CrossFit workouts include jump rope in the form of “double under’s”. This raises your heart rate, burn fat and are very, very challenging.

Jump ropes are cheap to purchase and can be bought at most sports shops or online. There is a small learning curve with the jump rope, but after you have picked it up you can expand it using various variations. If you want to see where jump rope can take you, take a look at Nate K-G Instagram page here. What this guy does with a jump rope is insane.

Tabata Workouts:

Tabata workout! We have no secret that we love them! 4-minute workouts, 4 exercises, 20 seconds each with a 10-second rest. They are a great format, very flexible and incredible if you are short on time or have minimal equipment. 

You can use some of the exercises mentioned above in your Tabata workout as well as some strength exercises. Due to the format of the workout, any exercises will increase your heart rate. It is a fast pace, low rest workout, and we love them. 

Check out the Sets & Reps workout application for a whole Tabata workout pack! Containing amazing Tabata workout for anyone and everyone.


Sprints. A great form of cardio, fast pace, fun and can be competitive, the downside? Require a lot more space than the others on this list. As we have mentioned it can be fun and competitive and great in groups. So many options for group workouts with sprints. Relay’s, Races, circuits etc. An example of sprint Home Cardio Workouts for one person could go something like this.

Start with setting up a starting point, and then an endpoint (You can choose the distance, depending on your fitness levels). Sprint as fast as you can from start to finish, giving 100% and going as hard and as fast as possible, after you reach the end, stop and walk back. When you reach the start repeat. Repeat this for as many rounds as you want. Great and fast way to get your cardio in.

Various Machines:

There are dozen of machines that come to mind, Treadmill, Cross Trainer, even the rower. All will help you reach your cardio goal. Great, and easy to use. Sadly, there are two downsides. Space and Cost.

Cardio machines don’t tend to be cheap, and also tend to take up space. You almost need a room dedicated just for machines, which is fine if you have space, but a challenge if you don’t! Also, a good quietly machine will cost hundreds if not thousands of pounds. Which is a cost most people won’t want to spend?

We would say, if you have the budget and space, then grab yourself your favourite machine. It will be a great Fitness investment, but if you can’t afford it or don’t have space then don’t stress, as you have seen from this article, there are plenty of alternatives.

Extended Burpees:

As mentioned above, Burpee’s are horrible but great. Well, there are a few variations of burpees you can do, making them harder. We have a few favourites that we are going to go over. 

Press Up Burpee is a great addition to the standard burpee, Perform a burpee, but incorporate a press up into the movement. Adding that extra movement will make a huge difference and also add a huge benefit. 

Over a bar, Burpee is our second favourite burpee. Set up a barbell with a plate on either side, Place this on the floor. Perform a burpee parallel to the bar, and on the jump, jump over the bar and perform your second burpee on the other side of the bar. Then repeat, but going the other way.

The last variation we want to mention is a pull-up, Burpee. Perform a burpee, and after the jump, you will perform a Pull-Up. It is very important here that you perform the jump, land on your feet, and then perform the pull-up. Do not use the jump to make the pull up easier, you are only cheating yourself.

Mixing any of these variations into your workout will spice up your standard workout and make it a little different. Try them out.


So many options for getting your cardio in while at home. My personal favourite, as I have already said, is Skipping. Jump ropes are very cheap, it doesn’t take much space and is so effective. Should you be doing cardio? 100%. Keeps you healthy, active and fit. Plus, if cutting, will put in you in a further calorie deficit. Helping you shred fat.

As we have said above, If there is a form of cardio you do that we haven’t mentioned, please let us know over on our Instagram here. Also check out our other blog posts for more workout ideas, Reviews and advice here. Lastly, feel free to download our free workout application here. Loads of home workout ideas.

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Written by Kieran Blacker

Kieran is the CEO and Founder of Sets & Reps. He decided to make an application that helped people get a gym workout when not at the gym. He designed, Coded and built the application himself.


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