Minimal Equipment Pull Workout at Home!


If you didn’t see our post last week, We posted a home Push workout, with very minimal equipment (Read here). You only need a set of dumbbell and some Resistance bands. The key to that workout was high volume in a low time frame. No one wants to be working out all day! Well, today we have a Home pull workout (Back, Bicep and Traps) using very minimal equipment. Same equipment as last week. We are also going to roughly follow the same format as last week as well. High volume but a quick time. So let us get into the actual workout.

The Workout:

Superset 1 – 5 Sets

  • Bent Over Dumbbell Row 20
    • Straight arm Pulldowns AMRAP

Superset 2 – 5 Sets

  • Bicep Curl 10
    • Hammer Curl AMRAP

Set 3 – 3 Sets

  • Shrugs AMRAP

The Breakdown:


We are going to be using the same format that we used last week. High volume and super sets. The first of which is a back based super set. Going to start with 20 reps (adjust depending on the dumbbell you have) of bent over single-arm dumbbell row. After completing 20 reps move on to doing straight arm pulldowns. On both exercises make sure you focus on the muscle you are working (your Back) and imagine pulling through the elbow. This will stop you using the bicep to assist the lift. Making sure to squeeze and pause at the top of each rep.


After you have completed 5 sets of the above supersets. Take around 60 minutes rest and move into this superset. This one is aimed at your biceps. We are starting the superset by performing Dumbbell Bicep Curls, 10 Reps on each arm. After performing these go straight in banded Hammer Curls. Performing AMRAP for these (You want to aim for 15+ reps). Rest for around 60 seconds and then repeat. We are going to be doing 4 sets of this. This will get your biceps pumped and burning! Remember to use strict form. You want a full range of motion on the bicep curls. On the hammer curl you might have to shorten the range of motion to make sure you keep tension on the biceps. This all depends on the type of resistance band you are using.


To finish up this Pull workout, we are going to be hitting some trap just to finish off. Again we are going to be doing 3 sets off As many reps as possible. Make sure you pause at the top and squeeze. Remember, you don’t need to roll your shoulders like a lot of people thing, a simple up and down movement will hit the trap just fine. Rest for around 30-60 seconds between sets.


  • Remember form is everything, focus on form over weight! Good form will yield more results and bad form and heavy weight.
  • If you are finding it too easy because you haven’t got weight heavy enough try adding in some pause reps or slow the tempo down. This will increase the time under tension.
  • Another way to make it harder is to decrease your rest time, Within Reason. You don’t want to lower it so much you aren’t having a rest at all. But going from 60 to 40 seconds feat can increase the difficulty of a workout.


And that is it! A simple Pull Workout complete. A nice and quick pull workout. It may be a quick workout but you are still getting a good amount of volume in. Remember, adjust the reps to your weight. You may need to do less reps or more reps depending on how heavy your dumbbell are.

If you enjoy this pull workout here, we have plenty more workout like this available on our free Mobile application. We have workouts ranging from Kettlebell workout, Resistance band workout and even bodyweight workouts. All with Sets, Reps and animated images to assist you. You can download for free here.

Make sure to follow us over on our Instagram for more great workouts!

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Written by Kieran Blacker

Kieran is the CEO and Founder of Sets & Reps. He decided to make an application that helped people get a gym workout when not at the gym. He designed, Coded and built the application himself.
