How I eat Fry up’s but still stick to my Macros – Plan YOUR Macros!


How to lose body fat? Calorie deficit! It’s that simple. However, sometimes things don’t go as planned and you will find yourself needing to eat a “cheat” meal. Could be at a family event, wedding, or maybe just heading out with some friends. How do I fit that “cheat meal” in my calories and stick to my diet? Well, we have come up with great tips to help you stay on track, even when eating out or eating at an event.

Plan your macors

First Tip

As you can see from the title, I often eat pizza, Fry Ups and other “rubbish” food. I often eat food people would assume wouldn’t help you lose weight. Which we should all know by now is rubbish. However, people do ask, how do you do it? It’s simple, I stick to my Macros and I follow a few steps to make sure I can fit a treat into my diet while staying on track.

The first things you can do is to make sure I have a plan. Before you go to bed, plan your meals for the next day, adjust some meals see what you have to play with. This is easy if you know what you will be cheating on or where you will be eating. You can plan your whole meal out beforehand, Wake up the next day and know exactly what you are going to eat without having to worries about tracking or macros. For example, let us say you are going to Nando’s, What you could do is put your Nando’s meal into your tracking app. Then work the rest of your meals around that. This makes it so simple and makes you aware of where you have to compromise.


Speaking of compromising, that leads us onto our next point. Remember, you can make compromises to help the calorie count on that meal. Going out for pizza? Get a medium instead of a large? Or maybe get a side salad instead of chips. Little things you can change to just help out the calories in that meal. As said above, plan the meal, do some research and don’t be scared to ask the staff or family members if you could make some changes. Most places will be more than happy to help you out.

Remember you can always “move” some calories around throughout the week to allow you more on a certain day. We have a full blog you can read about it here. It just means you eat less either before or after so that you save up your calories to use on a certain day. This is great if you know you are going to be going out for food with friends or family. Like we said above, we have a whole post about this. it goes into full detail about how to manipulate your calories so you can eat more on certain days. Give it a read here.

Last but not least

The last thing you should do is make sure your other meals are on point, healthy and nutrition. A pizza isn’t very nutritious, so to compromise make sure you get your fruit, veg and other micros in during the day. This will leave you to enjoy that “cheat” meal in the evening. 


As you can there isn’t such a thing as a cheat meal. Some meals aren’t as “healthy” or as “good” for you, but everything in moderation is fine. Stick to your macros, plan out your Macro’s and your diet won’t even feel like a diet.

That is the main point to take away from this, the perfect diet is one you can sustain for long periods, and that will involve the odd meal out, or meal with family or such. So fitting them in is key to staying on track and making progress. Using these tips will help you do just that! Give it a go and let us know if you have any other tips, get in touch here or over on our Instagram.

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Written by Kieran Blacker

Kieran is the CEO and Founder of Sets & Reps. He decided to make an application that helped people get a gym workout when not at the gym. He designed, Coded and built the application himself.
